Sorry for the gross pic, but this is basically what I just look like now. And yes, I had to Google what a crenshaw melon is. It's this:
And no, I've never had one. Sometimes Jose and I laugh at what they have to compare the size of the baby to for each week. Like when he was the size of a cucumber... is he, like, skinny and stretched out, or...??? 🤔 Anyways...
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes + comfies Jose's comfies
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep has been okay. It still comes and goes, but I've found that taking a nice, long bath before going to bed definitely keeps me sleeping a bit longer. I've also turned to baths when I have cramps. Basically I live in the bathtub now. 🐠
Best moment this week: Lots of excitement around here this past week, now that I think about it. Jose has finished all the painting and re-trimming/re-baseboarding in the nursery (You'll see what I mean when I post pictures!), light fixture has been installed, all the furniture has been put together. We're just waiting on a few other decorative items and then it should be complete. Seriously, I'm so freaking excited for this room! Also, some of my co-workers threw me a surprise shower at our meeting on Friday... They seriously are the sweetest, and I'm so lucky to work with such an amazing group of people!
Miss anything? Just the usual.... Btw, a few of you reached out after my last post, saying that you were in the same boat as me as far as how I've been feeling about pregnancy, and I so appreciate that! It's so nice to know I'm not alone! Honestly, that is probably my favorite part about blogging and reading other blogs is finding a common ground that you can connect with someone on. ❤️
Movement: Still growing a ninja!
Miss anything? Just the usual.... Btw, a few of you reached out after my last post, saying that you were in the same boat as me as far as how I've been feeling about pregnancy, and I so appreciate that! It's so nice to know I'm not alone! Honestly, that is probably my favorite part about blogging and reading other blogs is finding a common ground that you can connect with someone on. ❤️
Food cravings? Of course, I spoke too soon last week, when discussing the little man's craving... Popeye's shrimp boxes were a limited time special and they just stopped selling them last week. Go figure! They do have popcorn shrimp boxes which are still really good, but just not the same.
Anything make you queasy or sick? I've been feeling better in the mornings, as far as nausea and headaches go, so hoping it stays that way!
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Not being able to get comfortable [laying, sitting, standing, you name it], Braxton Hicks contractions
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off! I'm not sure if this is due to swelling because of pregnancy, or swelling from my hand getting burned, but they've been off for a few days now.
Mood most of the time: Pretty good, in terms of feeling more positive than negative. It still comes and goes, but this past week has been good!
Looking forward to: Meeting this sweet baby boy!
Total weight gain: ~38 lbs.