Holden | 6 Months
It's officially Holden's half birthday! I think I say this every time, but man what an adventure this little guy has been (& continues to be). Our time at Riley seems like it was forever ago and some days I feel like Holden is just another regular baby. I'm not sure I've ever made it through one of these little update posts without crying. I will never understand God's grace. In all honesty, I've been so fortunate my entire life to have never had a huge, life-altering downfall (sudden or unexpected loss of a close loved one, etc.). When we were first admitted to Riley, I remember thinking so many times that this was it. It was finally my "turn" to prove to God that I would remain faithful, even if he took my son. I know that just got deep really fast, but I cannot tell you how many times that thought entered my mind. It practically lived there while we were at Riley. I will never understand why God let me keep this baby. I'm so underserving. But so incredibly grateful. Anyways, I don't have anything new to update you on since his last post. He is doing great. No news is good news, right? We are dreading his palate repair surgery next year, but I try not to think about it too much. If there's anything I've learned these past six months, it's to really live in and enjoy these moments. Happy half birthday, Holdy Man! Daddy, Sissy and I love you so very much.
Update: I realized, after taking this pic, that I forgot to include the letter board. So, for the sake of being consistent (something I definitely need to be more of!)...
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