Since I just posted an update on Holden, I'll start with a quick update on my other little. Aurora is seriously the best big sister ever. As I mentioned in my last post, Holden loves her so much and just stares at her in awe when she walks into the room. She'll dance and sing for an hour straight, just to entertain him while we need to make dinner or get stuff done. She finished up with cheerleading a few weeks ago, just in time to start acting classes. This girl just loves to try all the things! I have such a hard time saying no to her trying things out, considering I'm 32 and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. But I have to say, I think she has met her match with the acting classes. I haven't had the chance to see for myself yet, but I get to hear all about how much fun she has from her and from family members that have helped taxi her back and forth. Unfortunately, karate has taken a bit of a backseat, but I'm hoping with cheerleading ending, we can get back to it and get this girl her black belt! We had her parent/teacher conference last week and she's doing amazing in everything. I think what stood out to me the most is that her teacher went on about how she is just always so happy in class and seems to really enjoy being there. This made my heart so happy to hear, especially since she's definitely taken a hit in the attention department since her little brother came along. I never want her to feel like she's any less important to us. She makes us so proud every single day and I just love the little lady that she's becoming!
In other news, I started a new position at work last week. A part-time position!!!!! Woohoo! Leaving my last position was such a hard decision to make. I had amazing bosses, worked in a suite with an amazing group of people, and it really was a position I could've been content in for a while. However, there has always been a part of me that has hoped that some day things would work out to where I could spend more time with the kiddos. Of course, being the one that handles the finances in our household, it seemed like that day would never come. You can never not use more money, right? I guess, with all that went on with Holden over the summer, it just really put things into perspective for me and I started thinking that if I don't make the move now, I'll likely never do it and I know I'd regret it - in a major way - down the road. I kind of already regret not doing it when Aurora was younger. Aside from the whole mom guilt thing, our schedule was just getting too overwhelming, as well. Now I work three days a week... and... AND! I'm a room mom this year in Aurora's class!!! So I feel like I'm totally making up for some lost time with her. Maybe I was just really inspired when I saw Bad Moms last year, but I'm so freaking excited! I get to go to her classroom for an hour and a half every other week to help out. And, I got to work with another mom to plan her class Halloween party they had last week and it was such a success! Those little second graders touched my heart in such a special way. They were so sweet and thankful for us coming in. One little boy gave me a spiderman sticker and told me Aurora was so lucky to have me as a mom because his mom just makes him apple crisp. <3 <3 <3 I kinda want Aurora to marry him. Kidding, kidding, but such a sweetheart. [Side note: I have literally never made Aurora apple crisp and now feel like such a failure because of it.] I told him apple crisp is awesome and he was pretty lucky to have a mom that makes it for him. [Another side note: I really want some apple crisp right now.] Anyways, last week was everything I hoped it would be. Last week reassured me that we made the right decision for me to go part-time. And Jose. How lucky am I to be married to someone who loves his family so much that he's willing to pick up overtime if we need it, so that I can do this? I feel like I've already accomplished so much in the days I've been off (helping out in Aurora's class, running errands, scheduling appointments we've been behind on, ...ahem, learning how to mow the grass!) Jose may see a return on his investment quicker than he's expecting! Well, maybe not, though. I've never considered him to be a controlling person. At all. Except for the other night when I was mowing. Anyways, I already feel so much of whatever it was that I was needing to feel by going part-time. As for my new position, I work with another amazing group of people. I'm helping to implement a new scheduling program that seems like it could be very useful, once everyone is on board with it. And, ahem, I have a pretty amaze parking situation. :D Needless to say - I'm excited. Excited for more time with the kiddos, excited for more time to do the things that need to get done, excited for this new position, and excited to hopefully, maybe, have a little more time to spend on this little space.
Aside from all that, we had some amazing family pictures taken (first time in a few years!), so I'll be sharing some of those soon. We also started a new sleep routine with Holden that seems to be working well, so I'll be sharing info on that eventually too. I seriously have so many posts started in my little Blogger dashboard, that I'm hoping to finally finish soon! So stay tuned!
And, for whatever reason you come here to read my nonsense, thank you! I'm so awkward, talking in person, so being able to blab on here is a great release for me! (That was a plug for my post on social anxiety that will also - hopefully - be coming soon!) Okay, I'm officially rambling, so I'm out! Xoxo
"Room Mom Chic"
The fish tail totally didn't make it out of the house.
A little behind the scenes glimpse at our family pictures!
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