I think it’s safe to say that this past month has been a pretty big one for Holden! Not just because it was his first Christmas, but because he's learned to do more in the past month alone than in any other. He’s sitting up better, and can go probably about a minute or two on his own before he inevitably topples over to one side or the other. He’s officially started crawling, and has crawled a little bit, but still prefers to just wiggle his way toward whatever he’s got his eye on. Either way, he gets there! He said his first word, "Mama," which was definitely music to my ears! In Jose’s defense, he wouldn’t be able to say “Dada” if he wanted to, with his cleft palate. And he’s gotten to where he can stand up against something (play table, walker, etc.) for a solid few minutes. This little guy continues to bring so much joy to our lives every day. Most days it's easy for me to forget about his PRS. Other days, I worry like crazy about how much his palate surgery will effect our current normal, but then I have to remind myself that we will eventually adjust to our new normal - whatever that may be! I've learned so much from you, Holden! I will never understand why God thought I was good enough to call these kids my own, but I'm more and more grateful each day that he did.
PS The award for best photoshoot assistant goes to Aurora for helping me to get him to look whatever ways I wanted him to. She really is the best big sister ever and Holden adores her so much!