So I know I’ve written posts/posted articles before on the rough days, because writing is totally my therapy for stuff like this. But today has been a pretty awesome day and I think that needs to be celebrated as well!
First off, Jose took off work yesterday since I was still sicker than a dog late the night before and we weren’t really sure what yesterday would hold. Luckily, Aurora and I were both on the mend and were back to about 90% by last night. You guys, I was absolutely terrified that Jose would either 1. Get sicker than a dog too or 2. That Jose would return to work today and Holden would be sick and I’d have to mom solo all day when I’m at that point where going up and down stairs totally wears me out. However, not only did Holden sleep in a bit later than usual, but he ate a normal breakfast (drank all his milk, ate a full banana, and a full egg!)!!! I know I still have to post an update of his feeding progress as of late, but he’d been doing really well and then the past few days he wouldn’t drink or eat anything, so we had to rely on his tube again (which sucks when you’re trying to work and sooo close to getting that sucker outta there). Him not drinking/eating is why we were so worried he was starting to get sick. So that’s win #1.
Win #2 came when I gave him a bath and, since Santa brought him some new bath toys, he was occupied playing with those rather than trying to poor water all over the floor. Hey, it’s a win in my book, lol!
Win #3 came when I got the brilliant idea to drag a chair into his new playroom (Not brilliant, we were going to do it anyway, but I got impatient and didn’t want to wait for Jose to get home from work tonight to move it). So now I can just sit there all day long while he hammers away at his tool bench or scribbles on his chalkboard. Laziness for the win!
But the big win came just under an hour ago. For whatever reason, Holden + me + nap time has always been my biggest war. Holden was sleeping on us for the longest time. He would sleep fine for my mom (eventually), sleep great for Jose (of course), but never, ever for me. Or, by the time I could get him to sleep, it was unbearably uncomfortable with my growing belly. So about 2 months ago, we started to try to get him on a regular nap schedule, in his crib. You guys. He would cry for the whole hour straight. For, like, weeks. Sometimes, when Jose or my mom would take him out of his crib after his hour of crying, he would fall asleep for them. But me? No way! Meaning, I would go a full day with this incredibly active little guy, and zero nap. Otherwise known as hell on Earth. Okay, total exaggeration there. Sort of. (The more pregnant I get, the truer that statement becomes.) But today. Today he fell asleep - in his crib - after just 20 short minutes of tears. I was just about to go do the 20-minute checkin when I realized he wasn’t even crying anymore. I’m not going to get all crazy ahead of myself and expect this to become the norm, but you know how some things just happen when you need them to the most?? This would be one of those things and I feel like I’m totally killing it as a mom today!
Yes, I also realize it’s not even 2 pm yet and I still have six more hours ahead of me, but I’m killing this shit right now and there’s nothing you can say to bring me down. Not today, Satan, not today.