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35 Weeks

35 Weeks -- Baby is the size of a honeydew melon! | jennafromtheblog.com
Messy hair, way to pregnant to care.

How far along? 35 weeks
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes + comfies
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep hasn't been great. I've been waking up with really bad cramps [I think those are the Braxton Hicks contractions, right?] and unable to fall back asleep or even get comfortable enough to just stay laying down. The bath tub has been my BFF lately!
Best moment this week: I got to spend lots of time with my mini this past weekend, which is always so bittersweet when Jose's working. I love, love, love my time alone with her, but also hate that the three of us aren't together. On Saturday, we went to the farmer's market which was insanely busy. Then we went with my parents out to a local garden center that has all sorts of things for kids to do around Easter. Aurora's favorites are the petting zoo, the gem stone mining, and swinging for days on their swing set. [Last year we got her a trampoline for her birthday, this year it might just have to be a swing set.] Saturday night I wasn't feeling so hot, so Jose played Easter Bunny and set out the baskets and hid the eggs. I so regret not getting any pictures of his set up! I'm all about the presentation when it comes to setting out the gifts, etc. and his was spot on! Yesterday, Aurora and I went to church and then out to brunch with the family and then I spent the rest of the afternoon lounging while she played with her bestie.
Miss anything? Okay, I've been a little hesitant to put this out there, because, well, shamers gonna shame. But, if I'm being completely real here, this pregnancy has made me realize how much I do not enjoy being pregnant. Please don’t misinterpret that as any type of relation to how I feel about being a mother. Because, honestly, there are days where I feel like my sole purpose in life is to be a mom [& wife!]. It’s what I live for. Striving to be an okayer mom [again, & wife] every day is, sometimes, the one thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. But pregnancy itself is just something I’ve never really enjoyed. Even with as smooth as my pregnancy with Aurora was, I just never felt like myself. Anything that felt different about me, I could never figure out if it was just me, or something pregnancy-related, or what. This time around, I have those same feelings, but the added morning sickness I had in the beginning, low energy throughout, constant discomfort, and even some added anxiety. It’s just not fun. That being said, every little flutter this guy makes reminds me of why I’m so willing to go through this and why I would, hands down, go through it one [maybe two??] more times. There is absolutely no amount of pain or discomfort that would make it not worth it to have the gift you get in the end. So. The short answer here would be: I miss feeling like myself. I miss having some energy. I miss being comfortable. Basically the same as it has been in previous weeks. Also, I miss sushi and… cold lunch meat [weird?]. Like, I really want a Jimmy Johns Beach Club. 
Movement: Still growing a ninja!
Food cravings? So I have one month to go and I have finally figured out what it is that this little dude cannot get enough of. Popeye's shrimp boxes! I seriously had it for dinner three times last week and can't seem to get enough! The funny thing is, I hadn't had Popeye's in, like, 7 years. But I've always liked their biscuits [with grape jelly - it's the only way to go] so one night last week we stopped there, I got a shrimp box to go with my biscuits, and I've never looked back!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Still feeling some nausea in the mornings, and headaches have been pretty frequent too. 
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Not being able to get comfortable [laying, sitting, standing, you name it]
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood most of the time: Honestly, pretty good. While energy has still been on the lower side, I swear that the lemon + honey water in the morning really is making a difference. I started it last Wednesday, while my cold was still going strong, and by Thursday I swear it was completely gone! While my body still gets tired from being up and around too much, I feel like my mind is a bit more alert. I'm interested to see what I feel like once I drink it when I'm not pregnant. Also, I have hyperthyroidism, so my energy has always been a bit on the lower end anyway and anything that can give me an extra boost helps!
Looking forward to: Meeting this sweet baby boy!
Total weight gain: ~38 lbs. (I skipped weighing myself for a few weeks, so I was a bit surprised when I was weighed at the doctor the other day and had gained a few lbs!)

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