a fashion & lifestyle blog


Silas | Five Months

Well, clearly, three is a handful. Hence missing the two, three, and four month posts for our littlest guy. But I must say, Silas has hands-down been our easiest baby! He is so chill and is just there for it, no matter what we're doing. You even glance at this little dude for a second and he gets the biggest grin on his sweet, little face. He is such a good eater and has been sleeping through the night since about two months old (which was amazing while we were at Disney). He's not crawling just yet, but has been rolling all over the place and finds a way to get from Point A to Point B in a matter of seconds. He wakes us up each morning with an ear-to-ear grin and he'll just lay in his bed chatting up a storm and it's basically the cutest thing ever.

Silas, we are all so in love with you baby boy. We never knew how much we needed you in our lives, but are so glad you're here!

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