a fashion & lifestyle blog


Weekend Whine Down

So if you're the envious type, you may just want to stop right here. Because I'm about to make everyone super jelly of how awesome my weekend was. You ready?! :D

The weekend started out with a bang on Friday evening, when we got ice cream with my parents. Jose had to work [of course], but ice cream is always a good time, I don't care who you are or who's missing from the equation [sorry Jose]. This was the highlight of my weekend, as things took a turn for the worse early Saturday morning when Aurora woke up at ~6 am saying her tummy hurt. If you know me personally, you know about the issues we've had with this little girl's tummy. We've pretty much stopped giving her dairy almost all-together because girlfriend gets a belly ache just from looking at a cow. I figured it was her normal tummy issues - after all, she'd had a little bit of ice cream the night before - and told her to go back to bed. We woke up around 8:30 and she was still lying pitifully in bed moaning because her stomach hurt so bad. It was at this point that my stellar mom-of-the-year qualities began shining through, as I started feeling really sorry for myself that my daughter chose a fabulous, 60-degree, sunshiney February day to pull the "my everything hurts" stunt. I work Monday-Friday, 8-5. That means I get a total of 2 days to do absolutely nothing. Or whatever I want. Like most people here in northern Indiana, I'd been hearing about this 60-degree Saturday all week long. It's basically how I made it through the week. So I certainly wasn't going to have it ruined because Aurora wanted a little sympathy. [You can go ahead and hand me my MOTY trophy now.]

However, around 9-ish, Jose got home from work and we really started to find it odd that she was still claiming to not feel well. After all, she gets her 2 days of fun just like me. Why waste them pretending not to feel well? We save that shit for Mondays. The more I thought about it, she really had not appeared to be in so much pain since she had the flu on Christmas Eve. For the love of all things holy, not the flu again! Please! I was able to get her to eat a bite of toast and drink a few sips of water, but no medicine. [Turns out, if you mention medicine to my sweet, darling daughter, she morphs into a real life ninja. Not even kidding!] We ended up taking her to the emergency room around 10 am, where we would spend the following 6 hours confined to a cold, windowless, dungeon, where I was also subjected to Facebook post after Facebook post about how everyone else was outside, soaking up the sun. All this for us to be told, for the most part, that she was just backed up again and to continue giving her the medicine that we've been giving her, but to play around with the dosage. They did, however, inform us that dairy was not the issue we'd been told it was before, so she can have dairy now [which will be a lifesaver, since she loves milk and mac & cheese]!

Needless to say, we spent the rest of our evening inside [windows open, of course, but inside]. Yesterday morning, she woke up saying that she felt like a normal person and I was so ecstatic, but by around 10 am-ish, she was down again. Poor kid. She was out for pretty much the rest of the day and finally started to feel better around 6-ish last night. As sad as I was that we didn't get to go out and do all the things that you do when it's 60-degrees in February, I'm so glad that my sweet girl finally seems to be feeling better today. Aurora Marie, I hope you know that I would undoubtedly skip every day of nice weather to be by your side in a hospital dungeon. 

The silver linings of this weekend were that we got to spend some bonus time with Jose, had a great breakfast together Sunday morning, I kicked butt with my meal prep [and have stayed on-track so far today!], and we finally got things started in the nursery! I'm so excited for that room to come together and I'll definitely be posting pix once it's complete!

Also, what kind of fangirl would I really be if I didn't post this photo I took in vain last year, wearing a shirt I don't currently fit in, in honor of KC's 50th birthday!??
Weekend Whine Down -- Nirvana Fan | jennafromtheblog.com

Here's to workin' for the weekend, my friends!

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