a fashion & lifestyle blog


34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks - Also known as the week I officially became I waste of space.
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes + comfies
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep has been good, with the exception of the past two nights, as I've caught a cold that's acting like it wants to stick around for a while. Pregnancy colds = death, basically.
Best Worst moment this week: For the sake of this week, I've re-worded this question. So I came home from work early Friday because this cold is seriously that bad. I made myself some soup, oranges, tea + honey, and slept for a few hours. I finally felt okay enough to sit outside and enjoy a bit of sunshine around 7 pm-ish. Unfortunately, after a crappy night of sleep, I woke up Saturday morning feeling even more awful than the day before. I drank some more tea, lounged around a bit, and decided to make myself some more soup. You guys, I poured the soup into my bowl, went to walk away (apparently too fast) and spilled my CNS all over my hand! No big deal except for the second-degree burn! Seriously, from freaking soup! So, naturally, I had a meltdown. [Which I'm sure Jose found extremely attractive, since crying hysterically while you have a man voice and can't breathe sounds something like a grunting rhinoceros.] As if I wasn't feeling useless enough, being 8 1/2 months pregnant and not being able to breathe, I now have one less hand to use. Pretty sure all I'm capable of at this point is warming up the couch... Except that I can't even get comfortable enough to sit in one spot for that long. Great. I can't even keep the couch warm. All the "poor me" emojis.
Miss anything? Funny that my answer from last week was "Energy! Being comfortable and just being able to breathe!" Little did I know. This cold has taken the whole not being able to breathe thing to a whole other level. Geesh!
Movement: Most current picture of my son:

Food cravings? Still trying [and pretty much failing] at the whole eating healthy bit.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular, but still a little nausea in the mornings.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Still having a hard time getting comfortable, no matter what I'm doing. 
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood most of the time: Aside from this weekend, things have been good. Looking forward to sunshine + warmer temps this week!
Looking forward to: Meeting this sweet baby boy!
Total weight gain: ~30 lbs.

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