a fashion & lifestyle blog


17 Weeks

17 Weeks -- Baby is the size of an onion! | jennafromtheblog.com

How far along? 17 weeks
Maternity clothes: Still no more yet, but definitely going to be needing some more work pants soon and I'll probably invest in a good pair of maternity jeans. Other than that, leggings for the win!
Stretch marks? None. Hoping to keep it that way!
Sleep: Sigh... Back to waking up in the middle of the night again and napping during the day quite a bit. 
Best moment this week: The weekend! (Pix are below.) We made our yearly trek to Bass Pro yesterday to see Santa and have dinner. Aurora's friend was able to join us and the girls had a blast playing games and riding the carousel. The drive there was fine, but there was a snow storm on our way back and it took us almost twice as long to get home. Today we had family over for our annual Christmas cookie shenanigans, which is always a good time and we always end up with cookies for days!
Miss anything? Energy! Energy! Energy! I seem to have taken a step backward as far as my energy goes (I thought it was getting better), but I've also backed off of eating healthy these past few days, so I'm sensing some correlation between the two. 
Movement: Definitely more frequent movement on the inside, but nothing on the outside.
Food cravings? Nothing in particular.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really!
Gender prediction: Sticking with boy!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Growing belly, pregnancy brain, some slight movement on the inside, low energy, exhaustion, and adding to that list: strong sense of smell. That can be both good or bad. Allow me to give you an example. I just got some more of my favorite bubble bath/shower gel by Philosophy in Snow Angel. It honestly is probably my favorite smell ever. It's so fresh and clean! I could smell it all day long. On the other hand, we had our fireplace on last night for just a few minutes and smoke started coming out of it. We're not sure why, because the chimney flue was open, but Jose immediately turned the gas off and put the logs out in the snow. Now, all I can smell is campfire. Normally not a smell that I mind, like in the summer or fall, but it won't go away and to me it was still pretty strong this morning.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood most of the time: Not gonna lie, I've been super cranky and probably pretty unpleasant to be around the past few days. I got mad at Jose because he brought home imitation vanilla extract, as opposed to pure vanilla extract. He was so mad that he shoveled off the whole driveway. Now I'm not sure how things work around your house, but that doesn't exactly motivate me to want to stop getting mad about stupid shit anytime soon. 
Looking forward to: Christmas break and having two weeks off!
Total weight gain: Grrr... back up to about a 14 lb. total weight gain. I'm guessing this is also a direct correlation to my eating habits this past week, but also starting to think I don't have the most reliable scale.

Jose was at the store this morning and sent me the following picture with the caption: "Baby's taking a ride with me" <3

Bass Pro


I can't leave without saying how much I love this picture! After being stuck up in an apartment for a few years and only being able to play with friends at school or playdates here and there, it sure is nice to have this sweet little lady living just a few doors down from us. Her and Aurora became friends the second they met and have been pretty much inseparable ever since. We are so thankful for their friendship! <3

That's all for now my friends!


  1. I love you babe... btw now I know what not to do when I'm mad at you! Hahahaha

    1. Love you more! No, now I just have to figure out what to do to make you mad enough to do all the other projects I want done around the house. :p Kidding, you work too hard when you're at home!
